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Job Analysis - the Foundation for Talent Assessment

Job Analysis is the foundation that enables effective talent assessment because assessment should be based on job specific success factors.

The Harrison Toolkit Makes Job Analysis Quick and Easy

Harrison provides a job analysis toolkit to enable you to break down the job activities, responsibilities, and key performance indicators. These are then developed into job requirements and assessment criteria called Job Success Formulas (JSFs). JSFs provide a comprehensive means to measure qualifications (Eligibility) and job specific behavior (Suitability).

Job Success Library based on Scientific Research

Our Job Success Formula Library includes 30+ years' research into success for specific jobs. It includes 650 jobs, each with 10 experience and management levels. Selecting a job from the library provides a complete assessment which is based on the typical success factors for your specific job. These can be easily adjusted to fit your exact needs.

Support from Job Analyst Experts

We also provide Job Analyst Experts who can support you to formulate highly effective assessment criteria related to pre-screening for qualifications, behavioral testing and/or aptitude testing.

Key benefits of Job Analysis

  • Significantly increase assessment accuracy
  • Establish consensus among decision-makers
  • Reuse for the next campaign, employee development and succession planning
  • Enable targeted employee development programs
  • Enable systematic and consistent interviewing focused on requirements
  • Elevate HR to a data driven human capital expert
  • Create strong legal compliance and minimize exposure to legal challenges

Questions? Call 864-527-0425
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